Getting leads is essential for any company, but generating high-quality leads takes a lot of work. It’s not enough to just put up a few ads and wait for the customers to come flooding in. You ne
Selling Complex B2B Products Is A Madman’s Job: Find Out Why!
Scrolling through my LinkedIn feed for 2 hours to find something I can comment on I’ve realized that most things people talk about are not applicable to selling complex B2B products or services that a
The Best B2B Startup Marketing Strategy Ever?!
So, you’ve got the next B2B startup idea to beat them all, but you don’t know where to start when it comes to marketing? We’ve got you covered! There is no way to be successful without a B2B sta
Creating Content And Building Your Personal Brand Can Be A Game Changer – Funky Interview With Nick Bennett
We’re living in a world where the demand for marketing services is high, but the results aren’t there. Mostly, it’s because of how we think and do marketing, but also because there are, because of the
Osrednjost se nikada ne pamti – Intervju sa Bojanom Vojnović
Prošlog meseca, osnivač Funky Marketinga, Nemanja Zivkovic je postavio naizgled jednostavno pitanje na LinkedIn-u…’Da li biste želeli da vidite listu 50 najboljih marketara u regionu u 2022. godini?’&
Demand Generation Manager vs Demand Generation Specialist: What’s the Difference?
Talking with people in different demand generation positions in SaaS companies, I realized that the roles are mixed up quite often. In most cases, it’s Demand Generation Manager vs Demand Generation S
Demand Generation Strategy: How to Measure Success?
If you’re a B2B marketer, you should concentrate on Demand Generation Strategy and monitoring the Demand Generation KPIs. Why? You’ll acquire more credibility within your company and also explor
Demand Generation VS Lead Generation in B2B SaaS Industry
What is the difference, between demand generation vs lead generation? The demand generation vs lead generation debate is a long-standing one in the B2B SaaS industry. Sometimes, it feels like people a