We’re living in a world where the demand for marketing services is high, but the results aren’t there. Mostly, it’s because of how we think and do marketing, but also because there are, because of the
Every Great Marketing Campaign Starts With A Strategy – Funky Interview With Diego Oquendo
We’re living in a world where the demand for marketing services is high, but the results aren’t there. Mostly, it’s because of how we think and do marketing, how we do marketing campaigns, but also be
Budite svoji, zapostavite ego i priznajte greške – Intervju sa Marijanom Palićem
Pre par meseci, osnivač Funky Marketinga, Nemanja Zivkovic je postavio naizgled jednostavno pitanje na LinkedIn-u…’Da li biste želeli da vidite listu 50 najboljih marketara u regionu u 2022. godini?’
Osrednjost se nikada ne pamti – Intervju sa Bojanom Vojnović
Prošlog meseca, osnivač Funky Marketinga, Nemanja Zivkovic je postavio naizgled jednostavno pitanje na LinkedIn-u…’Da li biste želeli da vidite listu 50 najboljih marketara u regionu u 2022. godini?’&