CEOs and Founders, I’m opening the article with a stat you should know: 95% of B2B buyers are not in the market at all and it should affect our strategic approach to B2B Tech Marketing. Accordin
Nađite nešto u čemu ćete uživati da radite – Intervju sa Vukašinom Vukosavljevićem
Prošlog meseca, osnivač Funky Marketinga, Nemanja Zivkovic je postavio naizgled jednostavno pitanje na LinkedIn-u…’Da li biste želeli da vidite listu 50 najboljih marketara u regionu u 2022. godini?’&
Šta je to što mogu da poboljšam da bi klijent bio zadovoljan? – Intervju sa Sanjom Jovanović
Prošlog meseca, osnivač Funky Marketinga, Nemanja Zivkovic je postavio naizgled jednostavno pitanje na LinkedIn-u…’Da li biste želeli da vidite listu 50 najboljih marketara u regionu u 2022. godini?’&
How to build brand awareness for your company
As a business owner, what is one of your top priorities? It’s to increase revenue for your company, right? So what is the best way to increase revenue for your company? If you’ve gue
Lightning Up Your Brand: 6 Steps To Increase Brand Awareness
It’s a common misconception that the role of marketing is only to create content for sales. Most companies work on creating a sales team first and only then do they start building a marketing team and
How to Avoid Plateau in B2B Customer Growth?
You’ve been doing everything right. You’ve grown your customer base, increased your revenue, and built a team of rock stars. And then it happened. Your B2B Customer Growth has plateaued and you don’t
How to shorten sales cycle and increase your revenue
The unique process to help you accelerate your revenue and growth.